The Puppets wake up 2022-2025 - REON THEATRO
The Puppets wake up- by artista Xanthie
I remember people bringing me puppets, always girls, and me arranging
them to look out of the window. Or to read on the spines of books.
And then I made my own first puppet. That spoke to me. I gave birth to it,
and then it had a life of its own.
It somehow formed its own soul. And lived.

And now, years later, all of the puppets ever made, decided to wake up. To get out of the boxes, the basements, to breathe.

All the puppets, every puppet, played pretend. They are great actresses, artists.
Each one has its role, its dressing room, its costume.
Each one has its own path in the pathway of Art.
In every fairy tale, in every story, the puppets gained thoughts, ideas, feelings. They Danced,
they fell, they got hurt – they lived. Most of them were loved. Not all. Just most of them.
The rest experienced this world as victims. Indifferent. Incomplete. Insubstantial.
The puppet show is not over. I don’t know if it will ever be over. Something
is nudging me, something is telling me: «create me, shape me, draw me,
play with me – Please. Otherwise, the oblivion will win»
