Jack and the Beanstalk- the Performance
fairy tale with puppets
In an interactive, adventurous, suspenseful and humorous show!
A son, a mother, a cow and 3 beans!
And then, a giant with his wife, some golden eggs, amagic harp and a happy end!
Jack made it!

The performance
Our tale tells about Jack: A boy who goes through many adventures, finds a helper (the giant` s wife) an enemy (the giant) but in the end he becomes the hero who has dared, won and defeated every fear!
On his first journey, to the giant`s home - in the sky, where the magic bean led him - he steals a bag of gold coins.
On the second journey, as he realizes that material goods - resources, are running out and he needs to be able to produce them, he steals the hen that lays the golden eggs.
The third journey, he undertakes because he heard the sweetest sound from a magical harp - and he discovered the higher things, the arts, that make life beautiful.
In this third journey, he defeats the giant - conquers his fears. He breaks the bonds with magic; he is strong and complete - he is a winner!
So, we need courage, people. The belief that we can make it! Faith that we will overcome the difficulties.

Did you know:
- that this fairy tale was recorded for the first time in 1734. However, researchers believe that the story was first told at least 5000 years ago!
- In the original text, the giant says the phrase: "Fee, fi, fo, fum – I smell the blood of an Englishman." A similar phrase is also found in Shakespeare`s original text, in King Lear ("Fie, foh, and fum, I smell the blood of a Briton").
- In most versions of the tale, the giant had stolen the hen and the harp from Jack`s father before killing him and ascending to heaven.